No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NdaisyspFIR Filter implementation, generic and ARM CMSIS DSP based
 CAnalogBassDrum808 bass drum model, revisited
 CAnalogSnareDrum808 snare drum model, revisited
 CChorusChorus Effect
 CChorusEngineSingle Chorus engine. Used in Chorus
 CDustDust Module
 CFIRMemory< 0, 0 >
 CFlangerFlanging Audio Effect
 CFormantOscillatorFormant Oscillator Module
 CFractalRandomGeneratorFractal Noise, stacks octaves of a noise source
 CGrainletOscillatorGranular Oscillator Module
 CHarmonicOscillatorHarmonic Oscillator Module based on Chebyshev polynomials
 CHiHat808 HH, with a few extra parameters to push things to the CY territory..
 CLinearVCALinear type VCA
 CModalVoiceSimple modal synthesis voice with a mallet exciter: click -> LPF -> resonator
 COnePoleOne Pole Lowpass / Highpass Filter
 COscillatorBankOscillator Bank module
 COverdriveDistortion / Overdrive Module
 CParticleRandom impulse train processed by a resonant filter
 CPhaserPhaser Effect
 CPhaserEngineSingle Phaser engine. Used in Phaser
 CResonatorResonant Body Simulation
 CResonatorSvfSVF for use in the Resonator Class
 CRingModNoiseRing mod style metallic noise generator
 CSampleRateReducerSample rate reducer
 CSmoothRandomGeneratorSmooth random generator for internal modulation.
 CSquareNoise808 style "metallic noise" with 6 square oscillators
 CStringComb filter / KS string
 CStringVoiceExtended Karplus-Strong, with all the niceties from Rings
 CSwingVCASwing type VCA
 CSyntheticBassDrumNaive bass drum model (modulated oscillator with FM + envelope)
 CSyntheticBassDrumAttackNoiseAttack Noise generator for SyntheticBassDrum
 CSyntheticBassDrumClickClick noise for SyntheticBassDrum
 CSyntheticSnareDrumNaive snare drum model (two modulated oscillators + filtered noise)
 CTremoloTremolo effect
 CVariableSawOscillatorVariable Saw Oscillator
 CVariableShapeOscillatorVariable Waveshape Oscillator
 CVosimOscillatorVosim Oscillator Module
 CZOscillatorZOscillator Module