Hardware Library for Daisy
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cdaisy::Tlv493d< Transport >::AccessMode_t
 Cdaisy::AdcChannelConfigConfiguration Structure for an ADC Channel
 Cdaisy::AdcHandleHandler for analog to digital conversion
 Cdaisy::AnalogControlHardware Interface for control inputs
Primarily designed for ADC input controls such as
potentiometers, and control voltage.
 Cdaisy::Apds9960< Transport >Device support for APDS9960 gesture / RGB / proximity sensor
 Cdaisy::AudioHandleAudio Engine Handle
 Cdaisy::NeoTrellis< Transport >::keyEvent::Bit
 Cdaisy::ButtonMonitor< BackendType, numButtons >A button monitor that generates events in a UiEventQueue
 Cdaisy::Apds9960< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::DotStar< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::Dps310< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::GPIO::ConfigConfiguration for a given GPIO
 Cdaisy::Icm20948< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::MAX11300Driver< Transport, num_devices >::Config
 Cdaisy::MAX11300MultiSlaveSpiTransport::Config< numDevices >
 Cdaisy::Mcp23X17< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::MidiHandler< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::MidiUartTransport::ConfigConfiguration structure for UART MIDI
 Cdaisy::Mpr121< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::NeoPixel< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::NeoTrellis< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::OledColorDisplay< DisplayDriver >::Config
 Cdaisy::OledDisplay< DisplayDriver >::Config
 Cdaisy::ShiftRegister4021< num_daisychained, num_parallel >::Config
 Cdaisy::SSD1307Driver< width, height, Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::SSD130xDriver< width, height, Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::SSD1327Driver< width, height, Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::SSD1351Driver< width, height, Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::TimerHandle::ConfigConfiguration struct for the Peripheral
 Cdaisy::Tlv493d< Transport >::Config
 Cdaisy::USBHostHandle::ConfigConfiguration structure for interfacing with USB host Driver
 Cdaisy::WavWriter< transfer_size >::Config
 Cdaisy::DacHandleDAC handle for Built-in DAC Peripheral
 Cdaisy::DaisyLegioClass that handles initializing all of the hardware specific to the Virt Iter Legio hardware.
Helper funtions are also in place to provide easy access to built-in controls and peripherals
 Cdaisy::DaisyPatchClass that handles initializing all of the hardware specific to the Daisy Patch Board.
Helper funtions are also in place to provide easy access to built-in controls and peripherals
 Cdaisy::patch_sm::DaisyPatchSMBoard support file for DaisyPatchSM hardware
 Cdaisy::DaisyPetalHelpers and hardware definitions for daisy petal
 Cdaisy::DaisyPodClass that handles initializing all of the hardware specific to the Daisy Patch Board.
Helper funtions are also in place to provide easy access to built-in controls and peripherals
 Cdaisy::DaisySeedThis is the higher-level interface for the Daisy board.
All basic peripheral configuration/initialization is setup here.
 Cdaisy::DaisyVersioClass that handles initializing all of the hardware specific to the Desmodus Versio hardware.
Helper funtions are also in place to provide easy access to built-in controls and peripherals
 Cdaisy::DotStar< Transport >Device support for Adafruit DotStar LEDs (Opsco SK9822)
 Cdaisy::DotStarSpiTransportSPI Transport for DotStars
 Cdaisy::Dps310< Transport >Device support for DPS310 Barometric Pressure and Altitude Sensor
 Cdaisy::EncoderGeneric Class for handling Quadrature Encoders
Inspired/influenced by Mutable Instruments (pichenettes) Encoder classes
 Cdaisy::FatFSInterfaceDaisy FatFS Driver Interface
 Cdaisy::FIFOBase< T >
 Cdaisy::FIFOBase< daisy::MidiEvent >
 Cdaisy::FIFOBase< Event >
 Cdaisy::FixedCapStrBase< CharType >
 Cdaisy::FixedCapStrBase< char >
 Cdaisy::GateInGeneric Class for handling gate inputs through GPIO
 Cdaisy::GPIOGeneral Purpose I/O control
 Cdaisy::Icm20948< Transport >Device support for ICM20948 IMU sensor
 Cdaisy::Icm20948< Transport >::Icm20948Vect
 Cdaisy::NeoTrellis< Transport >::keyEvent
 Cdaisy::NeoTrellis< Transport >::keyEventRaw
 Cdaisy::NeoTrellis< Transport >::keyState
 Cdaisy::LcdHD44780Device Driver for 16x2 LCD panel.
HD44780 with 4 data lines.
Example product:
 Cdaisy::LedLED Class providing simple Software PWM ability, etc
Eventually this will work with hardware PWM, and external LED Driver devices as well
 Cdaisy::LedDriverPca9685< numDrivers, persistentBufferContents >
 Cdaisy::LedDriverPca9685< 2, true >
 Cdaisy::Logger< dest >Interface for simple USB logging
 Cdaisy::Logger< LOGGER_NONE >
 Cdaisy::LoggerImpl< dest >Logging I/O underlying implementation
 Cdaisy::LoggerImpl< LOGGER_EXTERNAL >Specialization for external USB port
 Cdaisy::LoggerImpl< LOGGER_INTERNAL >Specialization for internal USB port
 Cdaisy::LoggerImpl< LOGGER_SEMIHOST >Specialization for semihosting (stdout)
 Cdaisy::MAX11300Driver< Transport, num_devices >Device Driver for the MAX11300 20 port ADC/DAC/GPIO device
 Cdaisy::Mcp23X17< Transport >
 Cdaisy::MidiHandler< Transport >Simple MIDI Handler
Parses bytes from an input into valid MidiEvents.
The MidiEvents fill a FIFO queue that the user can pop messages from
 Cdaisy::MidiHandler< MidiUartTransport >
 Cdaisy::MidiParserUtility class for parsing raw byte streams into MIDI messages
 Cdaisy::MidiUartTransportTransport layer for sending and receiving MIDI data over UART
 Cdaisy::MidiUsbTransportUSB Transport for MIDI
 Cdaisy::Mpr121< Transport >Device support for MPR121 12x Capacitive Touch Sensor
 Cdaisy::NeoPixel< Transport >Device support for Adafruit Neopixel Device
 Cdaisy::NeoPixel< NeoPixelI2CTransport >
 Cdaisy::NeoTrellis< Transport >Device support for the Adafruit Neotrellis device
 Cdaisy::PersistentStorage< SettingStruct >Non Volatile storage class for persistent settings on an external flash device
 Cdaisy::PinRepresentation of hardware port/pin combination
 Cdaisy::MAX11300MultiSlaveSpiTransport::Config< numDevices >::PinConfig
 Cdaisy::PotMonitor< BackendType, numPots >A potentiometer monitor that generates events in a UiEventQueue
 Cdaisy::RandomTrue Random Number Generator access
 Cdaisy::Tlv493d< Transport >::RegMask_t
 Cdaisy::RingBuffer< T, size >
 Cdaisy::RingBuffer< T, 0 >
 Cdaisy::ShiftRegister4021< num_daisychained, num_parallel >Device Driver for CD4021 shift register
 Cdaisy::ShiftRegister4021< 2 >
 Cdaisy::ShiftRegister595Device Driver for 8-bit shift register.
CD74HC595 - 8-bit serial to parallel output shift
 Cdaisy::SSD1307Driver< width, height, Transport >
 Cdaisy::SSD130xDriver< width, height, Transport >
 Cdaisy::SSD1327Driver< width, height, Transport >
 Cdaisy::SSD1351Driver< width, height, Transport >
 Cdaisy::StackBase< T >
 Cdaisy::StackBase< daisy::UiCanvasDescriptor >
 Cdaisy::StackBase< daisy::UiPage * >
 Cdaisy::TimerHandleHardare timer peripheral support
 Cdaisy::Tlv493d< Transport >Device support for TLV493D Magnetic Sensor
 Cdaisy::UIA generic UI system
 Cdaisy::UiCanvasDescriptorA descriptor for a canvas in the UI system
 Cdaisy::UiEventQueueA queue that holds user input events in the UI system
 Cdaisy::UiPageThe base class for a page in the UI system
 CUsbHandleInterface for initializing and using the USB Peripherals on the daisy
 Cdaisy::USBHostHandlePresents a USB Mass Storage Device host interface
 Cdaisy::VoctCalibrationHelper class for calibrating an input to 1V/oct response
 Cdaisy::WavWriter< transfer_size >