►Ndaisy | Hardware defines and helpers for daisy field platform |
►NMAX11300Types | |
CDmaBuffer | |
►Npatch_sm | |
CDaisyPatchSM | Board support file for DaisyPatchSM hardware |
►CAbstractMenu | Base class for complex menus |
CCustomItem | |
CItemConfig | |
CAdcChannelConfig | Configuration Structure for an ADC Channel |
CAdcHandle | Handler for analog to digital conversion |
CAk4556 | |
CAllNotesOffEvent | |
CAllSoundOffEvent | |
CAnalogControl | Hardware Interface for control inputs Primarily designed for ADC input controls such as potentiometers, and control voltage. |
►CApds9960 | Device support for APDS9960 gesture / RGB / proximity sensor |
CConfig | |
►CApds9960I2CTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CAudioHandle | Audio Engine Handle |
CConfig | |
CButtonMonitor | A button monitor that generates events in a UiEventQueue |
CChannelModeEvent | |
CChannelPressureEvent | |
CColor | |
CColorGraphicsDisplay | |
CColorGraphicsDisplayImpl | |
CControlChangeEvent | |
CCpuLoadMeter | |
►CDacHandle | DAC handle for Built-in DAC Peripheral |
CConfig | |
CDaisyField | |
CDaisyLegio | Class that handles initializing all of the hardware specific to the Virt Iter Legio hardware. Helper funtions are also in place to provide easy access to built-in controls and peripherals |
CDaisyPatch | Class that handles initializing all of the hardware specific to the Daisy Patch Board. Helper funtions are also in place to provide easy access to built-in controls and peripherals |
CDaisyPetal | Helpers and hardware definitions for daisy petal |
CDaisyPod | Class that handles initializing all of the hardware specific to the Daisy Patch Board. Helper funtions are also in place to provide easy access to built-in controls and peripherals |
CDaisySeed | This is the higher-level interface for the Daisy board. All basic peripheral configuration/initialization is setup here. |
CDaisyVersio | Class that handles initializing all of the hardware specific to the Desmodus Versio hardware. Helper funtions are also in place to provide easy access to built-in controls and peripherals |
►CDotStar | Device support for Adafruit DotStar LEDs (Opsco SK9822) |
CConfig | |
►CDotStarSpiTransport | SPI Transport for DotStars |
CConfig | |
►CDps310 | Device support for DPS310 Barometric Pressure and Altitude Sensor |
CConfig | |
►CDps310I2CTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CDps310SpiTransport | |
CConfig | |
Cdsy_gpio_pin | |
CEncoder | Generic Class for handling Quadrature Encoders Inspired/influenced by Mutable Instruments (pichenettes) Encoder classes |
►CFatFSInterface | Daisy FatFS Driver Interface |
CConfig | |
CFIFOBase | |
CFixedCapStr | |
CFixedCapStrBase | |
CFullScreenItemMenu | A menu page for small screens |
CGateIn | Generic Class for handling gate inputs through GPIO |
►CGPIO | General Purpose I/O control |
CConfig | Configuration for a given GPIO |
►CI2CHandle | |
CConfig | |
►CIcm20948 | Device support for ICM20948 IMU sensor |
CConfig | |
CIcm20948Vect | |
►CIcm20948I2CTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CIcm20948SpiTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CLcdHD44780 | Device Driver for 16x2 LCD panel. HD44780 with 4 data lines. Example product: https://www.adafruit.com/product/181 |
CConfig | |
CLed | LED Class providing simple Software PWM ability, etc Eventually this will work with hardware PWM, and external LED Driver devices as well |
CLedDriverPca9685 | |
CLocalControlEvent | |
CLogger | Interface for simple USB logging |
CLogger< LOGGER_NONE > | |
CLoggerImpl | Logging I/O underlying implementation |
CLoggerImpl< LOGGER_EXTERNAL > | Specialization for external USB port |
CLoggerImpl< LOGGER_INTERNAL > | Specialization for internal USB port |
CLoggerImpl< LOGGER_SEMIHOST > | Specialization for semihosting (stdout) |
CMappedFloatValue | |
CMappedIntValue | |
CMappedStringListValue | |
CMappedValue | |
►CMAX11300Driver | Device Driver for the MAX11300 20 port ADC/DAC/GPIO device |
CConfig | |
►CMAX11300MultiSlaveSpiTransport | |
►CConfig | |
CPinConfig | |
►CMcp23017Transport | |
CConfig | |
►CMcp23X17 | |
CConfig | |
CMidiEvent | |
►CMidiHandler | Simple MIDI Handler Parses bytes from an input into valid MidiEvents. The MidiEvents fill a FIFO queue that the user can pop messages from |
CConfig | |
CMidiParser | Utility class for parsing raw byte streams into MIDI messages |
►CMidiUartTransport | Transport layer for sending and receiving MIDI data over UART |
CConfig | Configuration structure for UART MIDI |
►CMidiUsbTransport | USB Transport for MIDI |
CConfig | |
CMonoModeOnEvent | |
►CMpr121 | Device support for MPR121 12x Capacitive Touch Sensor |
CConfig | |
►CMpr121I2CTransport | |
CConfig | |
CMTCQuarterFrameEvent | |
►CMultiSlaveSpiHandle | |
CConfig | |
►CNeoPixel | Device support for Adafruit Neopixel Device |
CConfig | |
►CNeoPixelI2CTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CNeoTrellis | Device support for the Adafruit Neotrellis device |
CConfig | |
►CkeyEvent | |
CBit | |
CkeyEventRaw | |
CkeyState | |
►CNeoTrellisI2CTransport | |
CConfig | |
CNoteOffEvent | |
CNoteOnEvent | |
►COledColorDisplay | |
CConfig | |
►COledDisplay | |
CConfig | |
COmniModeOffEvent | |
COmniModeOnEvent | |
COneBitGraphicsDisplay | |
COneBitGraphicsDisplayImpl | |
CParameter | |
CPcm3060 | |
CPersistentStorage | Non Volatile storage class for persistent settings on an external flash device |
CPin | Representation of hardware port/pin combination |
CPitchBendEvent | |
CPolyModeOnEvent | |
CPolyphonicKeyPressureEvent | |
CPotMonitor | A potentiometer monitor that generates events in a UiEventQueue |
CProgramChangeEvent | |
►CQSPIHandle | |
CConfig | |
CRandom | True Random Number Generator access |
CRectangle | |
CResetAllControllersEvent | |
CRgbLed | |
CRingBuffer | |
CRingBuffer< T, 0 > | |
►CSaiHandle | |
CConfig | |
CScopedIrqBlocker | |
►CSdmmcHandler | |
CConfig | |
CSH1106Driver | |
►CShiftRegister4021 | Device Driver for CD4021 shift register |
CConfig | |
CShiftRegister595 | Device Driver for 8-bit shift register. CD74HC595 - 8-bit serial to parallel output shift |
CSongPositionPointerEvent | |
CSongSelectEvent | |
►CSpiHandle | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD1307Driver | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD130x4WireSoftSpiTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD130x4WireSpiTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD130xDriver | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD130xI2CTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD13274WireSpiTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD1327Driver | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD13514WireSpiTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CSSD1351Driver | |
CConfig | |
CStack | |
CStackBase | |
CSwitch | |
CSwitch3 | |
►CSystem | |
CBootInfo | |
CConfig | |
CSystemExclusiveEvent | |
►CTimerHandle | Hardare timer peripheral support |
CConfig | Configuration struct for the Peripheral |
►CTlv493d | Device support for TLV493D Magnetic Sensor |
CAccessMode_t | |
CConfig | |
CRegMask_t | |
►CTlv493dI2CTransport | |
CConfig | |
►CUartHandler | |
CConfig | |
►CUI | A generic UI system |
CSpecialControlIds | |
CUiCanvasDescriptor | A descriptor for a canvas in the UI system |
CUiEventQueue | A queue that holds user input events in the UI system |
CUiPage | The base class for a page in the UI system |
►CUSBHostHandle | Presents a USB Mass Storage Device host interface |
CConfig | Configuration structure for interfacing with USB host Driver |
CVoctCalibration | Helper class for calibrating an input to 1V/oct response |
CWAV_FormatTypeDef | |
CWaveTableLoader | |
CWavFileInfo | |
CWavPlayer | |
►CWavWriter | |
CConfig | |
►CWm8731 | |
CConfig | |
CDSY_SD_CardInfoTypeDef | |
CFontDef | |
CSdramHandle | |
CUsbHandle | Interface for initializing and using the USB Peripherals on the daisy |